The new version of the flexmobility platform is now available. Find all important new features here.



Forwarding “_reload”: Reloading from a certain element is now also possible for elements that were NOT created due to inapplicable creation condition(s).

Notification module: Before a tag registration, the tag is checked for formal validity and a corresponding error message is issued.

Notification module: In the message view there is now an “Empty” icon, which can be used to delete all messages at once.

Masks that are not visible can still be selected as start process (-> setting in client configuration).

New setting in the client configuration: App Data -> “Automatically delete local files after days”.

Android: When taking photos, the photos are stored in a special app memory. Since these images are no longer accessed at any time, this memory is now emptied every time the app is started.

Android: Text recognition (OCR): After the photo is taken, a section of the image can be defined to which text recognition is applied.


CCM / Resources

Tooltips can be defined for table columns.

The template for “Sound” is no longer linked to processing. An error message after validation can also have sound.

Table UI-Type “date”: You can now display date columns as formatted date.



Barcode for client configuration: The new property “Automatically delete local files after days” can also be set in the CCM for the barcode.



Dynamic columns: Placeholders in JavaScript code were not replaced

Android document scan: On some devices the selected area had a vertical offset upwards, this has been fixed.

iOS Notification List: When opening the context menu of a message, the app crashed if you tapped “Open” or “Delete” too quickly.

CCM: Creating barcode PIN(s) – this only worked if there was a default device. This is now no longer a requirement.

Server: Notification API: A notification occurred multiple times in the notification list in a special constellation.



Are you interested in the full scope of technical possibilities with flexmobility platform? Then simply contact us at We look forward to hearing from you.  

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