If the pandemic has revealed anything to us, it is that many companies from different sectors are not working digitally in line with the times. One option in digitization is working from home: Before the pandemic, only 12 percent of employees in Germany worked in a home office at least once a week.

It has become apparent that a lack of infrastructure and technical equipment for workplaces at home, on the one hand, and a tradition of presence culture or compulsory attendance, on the other, are still present in many organizations. By acting quickly, some technical obstacles could be overcome by equipping them with laptops, virtual private networks (VPNs), and software. In the last year and a half, home office has become a part of the workplace that could remain in some areas, post-pandemic, as an alternative to a daily presence in the office.

This period has shown us that it is possible to combine office work, mobile work, and home office, taking advantage of the benefits of flexibility, while not losing the involvement of workers in the communication and decision-making processes in the company.

Mobile business apps for your company

In this regard, mobile business apps such as CRMs and service apps are a good interface! A jointly maintained CRM, in which all activities of the customer journey are recorded, can help to identify and resolve problems as quickly as possible. With an integration e.g. with Microsoft Teams and the ERP system, such a CRM app can be used continuously and without redundant data storage.

With flexmobility platform configured business apps, individually created or via prefabricated template configurations, mobile application areas such as warehouse management and logistics or apps in the area of CRM, sales, or services can be easily and efficiently configured with the platform. The implementation possibilities of the flexmobility platform are unlimited for every use case and the possibilities in function, design, and operation of the created business app are in no way inferior to a programmed app but are by far more cost-effective and faster to create and much more flexible in permanent operation.

We have made you curious and you would like to learn more about our mobile CRM? Contact us at info@3ms.info. We look forward to hearing from you!

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For over 500 companies, the decisive impetus for success.

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You can reach us directly by phone or via an inquiry by mail. We will be happy to advise you and answer any open questions. Please feel free to contact us!

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